Cloudless Fluid Connections

Jump Desktop Connect and Jump Desktop for Mac now support completely cloudless Fluid connections. This means that you can now use Fluid without any cloud dependencies. This is useful for environments that require super-high security or otherwise don't have access to the internet.

Limitations of Cloudless Fluid Connections

  • Important Security note: Team Access Control restrictions do not apply to manual connections. You are responsible for all firewall and security surrounding the connection. The connection to the machine will be allowed access as long as they can connect to the machine's IP address and they know a local user name and password. The connection will be encrypted end-to-end.
  • Only available on Teams Enterprise plans.

How to Enable Cloudless Fluid On The Remote Computer

There are two ways to enable Cloudless Fluid Connections - you can use either way:

1. In your Team's dashboard use the Lock down settings feature. Specifically you'll need to turn on the Manual Fluid Connections option:

2. Alternative way if the computer does not have any access to the cloud: Open up Jump Desktop Connect on the remote computer and then click the Settings icon -> Advanced -> CHECK Fluid -> CHECK Manual Fluid Connections.

How to Connect to Computers With Cloudless Fluid Enabled

You can connect to cloudless fluid using Jump Desktop for Mac by creating a new Manual connection: 

  1. Open up Jump Desktop for Mac or Windows
  2. Make sure you are signed in your Teams Enterprise account. This will unlock the Cloudless Fluid feature.
  3. Click File -> Add New.
  4. You should now see a new Fluid option in the Type area. Click Fluid and enter the machine's IP address to connect.

Reset 2-step verification for team users

Team admins can reset 2-step verification for team users. 

If 2-step verification is required for the team, users will be prompted to re-enable 2-step verification the next time they sign into Jump Desktop apps. 

This feature is available on Teams Enterprise plans.

Disable Social Sign-in for team members

Team admins can now prevent users from signing into their Jump Desktop accounts using Google or Apple sign in. Once this setting is enabled, all team members will be required to sign into Jump Desktop apps using their Jump Desktop account credentials. 

Turn on the requirement in the Security section of your Team's dashboard

This feature is available on the Teams Pro and Teams Enterprise plans.

New subscription plans

We've added brand new plans to Teams: Essentials, Pro and Enterprise

Existing Teams customers have been automatically grandfathered to Teams Enterprise plan with no change in pricing (thanks for being an early supporter!).

Migrate computers back to your personal account

Jump Desktop for Teams can migrate computers associated with your personal Jump Desktop accounts to your team. This makes it very easy to get started with Teams for existing Jump Desktop users. 

If you change your mind at any point, it's now possible to reverse migrate computers from your Teams account, back to your personal account: Open up your team's dashboard and delete your team. Make sure Migrate computers to personal accounts is checked in the confirmation dialog.

GeoIP location for incoming connections

Team computer events now show the in-coming connection IP address and if available, the approximate location of the IP address (if available, mapped via a GeoIP database). 

To see this in action open up your Team's dashboard and select a computer you recently connected to.