Disable Social Sign-in for team members

Team admins can now prevent users from signing into their Jump Desktop accounts using Google or Apple sign in. Once this setting is enabled, all team members will be required to sign into Jump Desktop apps using their Jump Desktop account credentials. 

Turn on the requirement in the Security section of your Team's dashboard

This feature is available on the Teams Pro and Teams Enterprise plans.

Sign in with Apple

You can now sign into your Jump Desktop account using your Apple ID! It's a great way to sign into your account quickly on Apple devices. 

To get started, link your Apple sign in with your Jump Desktop account in the Security section of the dashboard.

New subscription plans

We've added brand new plans to Teams: Essentials, Pro and Enterprise

Existing Teams customers have been automatically grandfathered to Teams Enterprise plan with no change in pricing (thanks for being an early supporter!).

Dark mode

We've added a dark mode theme for the dashboard. 

If your browser supports it, the dashboard will automatically switch to the dark theme if you have dark mode enabled.

Migrate computers back to your personal account

Jump Desktop for Teams can migrate computers associated with your personal Jump Desktop accounts to your team. This makes it very easy to get started with Teams for existing Jump Desktop users. 

If you change your mind at any point, it's now possible to reverse migrate computers from your Teams account, back to your personal account: Open up your team's dashboard and delete your team. Make sure Migrate computers to personal accounts is checked in the confirmation dialog.

Remote account log off

You can now see a list of devices that are logged into your Jump Desktop account. 

Go to Security, and in the Where you're signed in section you'll see a list of devices logged into your account, along with other useful information such as the location and the last time your account was accessed from the device. Log out from any devices you don't recognize.

GeoIP location for incoming connections

Team computer events now show the in-coming connection IP address and if available, the approximate location of the IP address (if available, mapped via a GeoIP database). 

To see this in action open up your Team's dashboard and select a computer you recently connected to.

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