Jump Desktop's Fluid protocol automatically monitors available bandwidth and dynamically adjusts bandwidth usage and image quality while you use the connection. By default Jump uses a maximum of 20mbps for Fluid connections.
There are times when you want to override the maximum 20mbps default. For example, if you know you're on a slow connection, you can turn down the default to 5 or 10mbps.
How it works: When you lower maximum bandwidth, Jump will automatically lower image quality during complicated screen updates and automatically boost image quality to high when there is left over bandwidth available. This way you get the best of both worlds: lower bandwidth usage while maintaining high image quality. It works seamlessly and without user intervention. Try it out!
You can now set Maximum Bandwidth for each connection. Connect to the computer and then click Remote -> Maximum Bandwidth menu for Fluid connections and select a maximum.
Bandwidth above 20mbps is currently available for Teams Enterprise customers. Warning: Increasing bandwidth above 20mbps will put a strain on your network and may make things worse if your network isn't designed to handle it. Please speak to your administrator before increasing bandwidth above 20mbps.