Fluid 2.0 In-Browser Experience

We're excited to share the latest updates to Jump Desktop In-Browser client, packed with features that make remote sessions even more seamless! To access the In-Browser connections visit https://jumpdesktop.com, sign in and click My Computers.

Enhanced Gesture Support for Mobile: We’ve introduced an array of optimized gestures for mobile users, including Click, Double Click, Right Click, Left Mouse Drag, Scroll Wheel, Zoom, Show/Hide Keyboard, Right Click Drag, Middle Mouse Click, and Middle Mouse Drag. These gestures are fine-tuned for a smoother, more intuitive experience across devices.

Better Panning and Scrolling: Whether you’re in portrait, landscape, or zoomed-in view, panning and scrolling have been fine-tuned to be smoother across all screen orientations. This makes managing different display modes seamless, giving you full control over your workspace no matter how you view it..

Quick Access to Shortcut Keys: We’ve added new shortcuts across both desktop and mobile browser versions to boost productivity. Essential keys like Ctrl, Pg Up, Pg Dn, Print Screen, Ctrl+Alt+Del, Cmd, Option, and Insert are now at your fingertips. Desktop users can find these keys in an organized column view, making it easy to navigate and use them when connected to remote systems

Mobile users can also take advantage of additional keys such as arrow keys, F function keys (F1-F12), and a variety of other shortcuts, accessible through a scrollable toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

Additionally, we’ve tailored the experience when connecting between different operating systems. For example, when connecting from a Mac to a remote Windows machine, you’ll have access to Windows-specific keys and functions to make navigation smoother. Similarly, when connecting from Windows to a remote Mac, the setup adapts to provide Mac-specific shortcuts for a familiar, efficient workflow.

Enhanced External Keyboard Experience on Mobile: External keyboard functionality has been further optimized for mobile devices. Connect your hardware keyboard to enjoy reliable, desktop-like typing with improved compatibility

Live Performance Stats: Jump Desktop for Browser can now show real-time connection statistics for connections. Connection stats include the average ping time to the machine, packet loss and the type of connection Jump has established to the machine. Stats displayed in red may indicate potential issues impacting your connection. Live Performance Stats are useful when diagnosing performance problems.Live Performance Stats can be turned on using the Stats toggle in the connection settings drawer. After turning this on, a draggable overlay will appear on all connection windows. 

To access the In-Browser connections visit https://jumpdesktop.com, sign in and click My Computers. 

As always, we’re excited to hear your feedback!